Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hidden Servants

Our missionary corps is comprised of an elite task force of Hidden Servants. Here on the ground, we have those who take center stage to preach the Word of God before an entire congregation – but will then be seen sweating with other local workers to untangle branches and roots from the electric power lines along the road. That’s my pastor.

Then we have the one that runs the ship here, the “big guy.” He does everything, with a true servant’s heart, yet possessing the authority to lead. One of those perplexing paradoxes you hear about but don’t get to see too often – a genuine servant-leader. He coordinates all the short-term trips from the US with their corresponding ministry visits here on the island. Anyway, yesterday he dropped everything to help move a mattress from one room to another – on the other side of the complex!

These are the men (and women) we are proud to serve with in the DR. They are Hidden Servants. You may see them around, they may even have a title or a role of authority, and perhaps you’ll even know their name. But what you and I will never be fully aware of is how much they do “behind the scenes.”

They do what they do, whether great or small, because they indiscriminately welcome every opportunity to serve. They see the need, and they see it as important. More importantly, they see the Saviour, and they see Him as supreme.

Our service here is done, yes, to reach out to others, but ultimately it is done to glorify God in all things. Our service flows not from a sense of duty, but from a sense of delight in the God whom we serve above all else.

Richard Foster said that, “Nothing disciplines the inordinate desires of the flesh like service, and nothing transforms the desires of the flesh like serving in hiddenness. The flesh whines against service but screams against hidden service. It strains and pulls for honor and recognition….If we stoutly refuse to give in to this lust of the flesh we crucify it. Every time we crucify the flesh we crucify our pride and arrogance.” (his emphasis)

We are truly blessed to have such a great team to work with, but I want to expand this idea a little more. You are a part of our team. That elite task force that I mentioned at the start – you form an integral part of that same elite task force. Whether by your prayers, encouragement, or donations, you are acting as a Hidden Servant.

People may not be aware of just how much you mean to us, but in a very real sense you help keep us going. We don’t always know what you have to do to set aside time to remember us in your prayers. We don’t know what you do to send down an encouraging note or package, or even the somersaults you have to go through to come down her and be encouraging to us through your visit. We don’t know what you give up to make your donations possible, perhaps you sacrifice something once-in-awhile to make a one-time gift possible or maybe it’s a monthly commitment and you sacrifice that gift every month to help us stay on the field.
We don’t know. It’s hidden from us and from those to whom we minister. But we do appreciate it. That may not mean much right now, but this should:

your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:4)
Above: Part of the SCORE missionary team.

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