Missionaries live off of what God provides. The Church recognizes this, and plays a vital role in supporting missionaries, but sometimes the Church forgets that they too live off of what God provides. No one achieves anything on their own, even though it is human nature to think that we can provide for ourselves independently of God. Everything we have is a gift from God. God is the Giver of all good gifts.
Realizing this enables me to understand that I need to wisely care for what He provides. This principle is known as "Stewardship." We are to steward (administer) God's gifts carefully. We are to make them prosper when we can, and we are to enjoy them. God doesn't give us good gifts for us to keep them neatly tucked away or tightly wrapped up. He gives them to us to enjoy!
What I have been reflecting on so close to Christmas is the greatest gift of all - Jesus Christ. He is also to be enjoyed and cared above all other gifts. Everything pales in comparison to His incomparable worth.
His preeminence should be our greatest joy.
Our devotion to Him should be zealously nurtured.
Of course, this is not limited to the holiday season or sentimental reflections of God's generosity, but to a daily, reasonable, sacrificial lifestyle. Please join me in beginning the new year with a thankful heart for what our Lord and Savior has done for us, and all that God has given to us and what He has still in store.
Another wonderful post by you. Thanks for sharing it. God Bless! tfi the family international