Monday, April 7, 2014

The Main Thing

Last week was intense for us here on the island.  We received more than 300 students from Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Georgia. These young people came to build homes and perform other construction projects, they held various sports clinics, at least 5 different VBS sites with 100 plus children at each one, and they worked in more than 5 different orphanages and children centres. This is just a part of what we do. Yet, at the same time, those are just the peripherals. Don’t get me wrong. They are important, but they are not the most important.

During the past week someone on the construction crew said that they felt “accomplished” because not only were they building a family a home, thereby taking care of their immediate physical needs, but they were also having a chance to share the Gospel as they went about the community. So by no means do I wish to denigrate the importance of all the peripherals but we have to keep the main thing the main thing.

Of course, that’s easy for me to say because I am, after all, a missionary and as a missionary making sure I keep the Gospel as the main thing should be fairly easy. It is, after all, my profession-career-vocation-calling-etc. Sadly enough, that’s not the case. It’s not always easy to live Gospel-centered lives, even as missionaries. But there is more to it then that. Because, sadly enough, that’s also not the case that it should be easier for missionaries or that it is only a missionary’s responsibility. It is every Christian’s responsibility too.

My motives behind this post are multiple. First of all, informational. I wanted to tell you about what we’ve been doing; letting you know or informing you how busy we’ve been and what the Lord has accomplished through our service and our partnerships with other churches (specifically Johnson Ferry). Secondly, it is an attempt at something “inspirational.” I want to challenge you to keep the main thing the main thing, and that, for us, as believers, is the Gospel.

Sometimes we feel shamed into sharing the Gospel or somehow guilted into it. This past week I loved seeing our students struggle with sharing the Gospel in Spanish and in English. I loved seeing them succeed. There was one student who made it a point to come back each evening and excitedly share with me her experience of sharing the Gospel with Dominicans and Americans alike. It was awesome.  During this week, she realized her giftedness and passion for evangelism. She is now reconsidering her future and wants to use her giftedness for missions.

Please, keep the main thing the main thing. Not out of shame, guilt, or even my attempt at encouraging/inspiring you. Keep it the main thing simply because it is the main thing!

The gospel of Christ is what saves us, sustains us, and brings us safely home. We do not move on from the gospel. If you preach it in such a way that you give the impression that Christians should move beyond the gospel, then you will remove from them the very lifeline of a Spirit-empowered relationship with Jesus. – Matt Chandler

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